We can assist with all aspects of taxation for individuals and business alike and include Income Tax, Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT), Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Pay As You Go (PAYG).


We can provide book-keeping services including data-entry, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, superannuation, and reporting. Into Tomorrow can help implement your existing manual process, and help you transition to more automated, effective systems.


We provide financial statement audits for small non-profit organisations (subject to State and Territory legislation).


We can help with budgets for home or business including annual budgets and specific-purpose budgets such as tours, events and releases. We then periodically analyse and report performance, working closely with clients to take appropriate action to manage budget outcomes.


Cash is the lifeblood of most businesses so ensuring you plan and manage your cash-flow is essential. We can assist in preparing cash-flow projections, reporting on and managing them on a day to day basis.


We can be there with you on your journey, from the initial ideas of your business to growing an established business.  We are there for you to bounce around, analyse and help implement ideas, build on existing business and explore new horizons.


If you are thinking of starting a business or feel your business is at a cross-roads, we can help you make sense of where you are. From financial management analysis to a full overhaul of systems or reporting, we can assist.  With more than 20 years’ experience in business administration and financial management, we can work with you to identify what your business needs to develop and thrive.


We can perform a review of key aspects of your business to help identify strengths and weaknesses, and work with you on how to improve the health of your business.  Key areas reviewed include financial, marketing (with our sister company Local Business Leads), structures, staffing, systems and processes.


Many businesses would like to employ their own CFO/Business Manager to take care of financial management, but they cannot afford it. Now Into Tomorrow can provide this role in a cost-effective way. Essentially corporate or business activities can be directed to us so you can get on with what you do best. We structure our service delivery to your needs. Think of us as YOUR business manager.


We can help you plan the future of your business, at both the broad strategic and detailed operational levels. We have designed and implemented business plans in a range of settings, and can help you to be strategic in managing challenges and maximising opportunities.


With experience across public, private and not-for-profit sectors in positions including Board Member, Chairperson, Company Secretary, Treasurer, CEO, and Executive Director, we are able to help you establish good governance practice for your business and organisation. Please contact us and we'll help tailor a solution for your business or career.